It’s your Social Security Retirement Benefit. Make the most of it!


The Social Side of RetirementSM - Exploring Social Security Retirement Benefits

When it comes to Social Security retirement benefits, your decision shouldn’t be based on one-size-fits-all assumptions. Your age, marital status, health, and financial situation are all important considerations.

Click here to download the Social Side of Retirement presentation


Social Security and You

Social Security retirement benefits are a core component of retirement income for many Americans. They are one of the few sources of retirement income that is predictable, unaffected by market performance, and may be periodically adjusted for inflation. 

This guide walks you through the next steps as you prepare for retirement.

Click Here to download a complete Consumer Guide


Think you know about Social Security?

When it comes to deciding when to file for Social Security, one size definitely does not fit all. This little true-or-false quiz can help you identify topics you may want to explore further. It can also help you take the first step in making the most out of your Social Security retirement benefits.

Click here to download and take a quiz.


Social Security Resources

Detailed information is available by visiting the Social Security Administration website at You can also call the Social Security Administration toll-free at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY: 1-800-325-0778).

Social Security Administration Publications:
For additional information on the topics addressed in this guide, you can order the following publications directly from the Social Security Administration by visiting:

Understanding the Benefits: SSA Publication No. 05-10024, ICN 454930

When to Start Receiving Retirement Benefits: SSA Publication No. 05-10147, ICN 480136

Your Retirement Benefit: How It Is Figured" SSA Publication No. 05-10070, ICN 467100

What You Need to Know When You Get Retirement or Survivors Benefits: SSA Publication No. 05-10077, ICN 468300

Survivors Benefits: SSA Publication No. 05-10084, ICN 468540

How Work Affects Your Benefits: SSA Publication No. 05-10069, ICN 467005

Windfall Elimination Provision: SSA Publication No. 05-10045, ICN 460275

Government Pension Offset: SSA Publication No. 05-10007, ICN 451453